Clock Tower

It’s crazy how I can drive down the same roads
Walk the same paths to some certain destination
See the same sights and entirely miss others

I’ve lived in the same place for 2 years now
Heard the same trains
The same trucks
Even see some of the same faces in these
Same places

Yet this is a new bench I am sitting on
Staring at this clock tower on the courthouse
I hear it ding every hour of every day
And I have just now noticed how
The octagonal bricks are a light gray and blue
Alternating every 3-4 lines in the structure

It’s very possible this structure will be here
Long after I am gone and I could have gone
My whole life with not even seeing the details
Of this building that was most likely here
Before I was even an idea in creation

It makes me realize how caught up in the big of this life I get and how I miss the facial expressions of the people in the cars that pass by on the road in front of the clock tower that has octagonal bricks alternating from light gray to light blue every 3-4 lines in the structure that has been here long before I was even an idea.

Clock Tower

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